

HEART OVER HATE is not just a brand – it is a movement, an alternative approach to life, and a statement. We want to inspire you to chase your own dreams, instead of only fantasizing about it. Don’t get captured by the average life our society tries to put you in. You are capable of more than that. Take your passion, your beliefs, your heart, and pursue your own happiness – because that is all that matters.


Fueled by our own dreams, we started this brand “HEART OVER HATE” to bring something positive to other people’s lives. We couldn’t find a brand which fitted us 100%, so we went out there and founded our own. Did we study fashion? No, we did not. But there is more than one way to reach your goals. Producing in Europe, we want to deliver high-end fashion to our customers which is still affordable because we know the struggle.



Coming from a multicultural and professional basketball background, we used impressions gathered over the past years around us as an inspiration. Our HEART OVER HATE collections represent our own styles and identity which we stand for. As a unique brand, we are not taking any usual paths and don’t let ourselves being restricted by anyone. We are multicultural and don’t care who you are, where you come from, or which grades you had in school – we are all equal.

So go out there, stop worrying about the haters, do what you wanna do and try to bring something positive to other people’s lives. Don’t let any other person tell you what you can or cannot do. When somebody says you can’t, use it as motivation and show them what you are capable of. Follow your dreams instead of limiting yourself to somebody else’s fears.
Just as we have pursued and realized our dream of HEART OVER HATE.

La lune ou rien